تخطي التنقل

لقد تم غلق باب الترشح في الدورة العاشرة.

Different Death

Different Death

Mounir left his home town Debdou in eastern Morocco, at the age of 20. He went to Paris where he graduated from the university, and worked as a professor of philosophy. He fought in the ranks of the French Socialist Party to embody the principles of the 1789 Revolution, and the dreams of the May 1968 uprising. In the City of Lights, he discovered the pleasures of the body and tested the emotions. And questions of worried culture.

After 50 years of absence, Mounir returned to his hometown on an exploratory visit. The hidden questions arose inside him about the identity, the French left faltered, his experience in marrying Catherine, and his complex relationship with his son Badr, who is confused and has a shattered identity…

Mounir appears to be a problematic hero who questions history, self and others in the context of a nightmare that undermines the certainty, institutions of society and the universality of human values…

“How can we write when we consider death as an inescapable destination,

while we are talking about frustration, failure, and trauma?”